Guided Retreats at Buckfast Abbey in 2025
Clergy Retreat - 24/02/25 - 28/02/25 from £425
Led by Fr Gregory
“When I am weak then I am strong” An opportunity to reflect on catholic priestly ministry in a changing landscape of the church. With reduced numbers of catholic clergy and increasing levels of responsibility how can we prepare to minister in new ways and in new situations. Becoming more self-accepting and aware of the opportunities offered us in ministry today, our few days together at Buckfast will provide a shared experience to listen, to learn and to look forward.
Creation Retreat- 19/05/25 -23/05/25 from £575
Led by Paula Pearce
St Francis spent time at a Benedictine monastery discerning the future direction of his life. Why not do something similar and join us at Buckfast for these few days focusing on Creation in the light of Franciscan thought and mission.
Church Musicians’ Retreat - 28/08/25 - 01/09/25 from £500
Led by Peter Stevens - Assistant Master of the Music at Westminster Cathedral and a Benedictine Oblate
I will sing praise to Thee in the sight of the angels” (Rule of St Benedict, Chapter 19) — a retreat for church musicians which includes sessions on Gregorian chant and its accompaniment, the use of the organ in the liturgy, and open rehearsals with the Abbey Choir. A unique opportunity to learn more about the role of music in the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church, in the tranquillity of a Benedictine monastery on the edge of Dartmoor National Park.
Women Religious Retreat - 27/10/25 - 31/10/25 from £595
Led by: Dom Geoffrey Scott OSB
The role of women religious in the church has often been underestimated and undervalued. Abbot Geoffrey will gently guide us in the beautiful setting of Buckfast Abbey to reflect, reconsider and reorientate ourselves to better serve the church in the bright future that God promises. Do join us for these few days together inspired by the Benedictine monastic liturgy, the spectacular grounds at Buckfast and our shared experiences which will emerge through our conversations.
There is a choice of accommodation available at either the Northgate House Hotel or St Petroc’s Retreat House. Please click here to view the accommodation brochure.
To book and for more information visit