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Catholic Green Investment Roundtable

An informative and engaging roundtable event on investing in climate solutions.

Date: Tuesday 18th February Time: 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM 

Location: The Amigo Hall: St George's Cathedral, Southwark, Lambeth Rd, London SE1 6HU

Operation Noah would like to invite you to attend an informative and engaging roundtable event on investing in climate solutions. The event will feature an introduction to a toolkit aligning investment strategies with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and presentations from guest speakers on the intersection of faith, finance, and climate action. There will also be networking opportunities with other faith-based investors and trustees.

Please RSVP here: 

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Climate, Covid and Conflict: Can Catholic Social Teaching show the way through the storm?

Our sisters and brothers overseas are facing the perfect storm - the effects of climate change, Covid and conflict. These shocks reveal the underlying injustices in our food system and global economy. How are we called to respond?

CAFOD afternoon of reflection for Religious, September 22nd:

Reagan's story:

Reagan (pictured above) is a beekeeper in his home county of Isiolo, Kenya. His work and livelihood are threatened by multiple climate-induced shocks such as drought, flood, and locusts. Paired with the setbacks of Covid and the war in Ukraine disrupting global food markets, it is becoming increasingly difficult for communities like his to meet their minimum food needs, causing community rifts and conflict.

Our sisters and brothers overseas are facing the perfect storm - the effects of climate change, Covid and conflict. These shocks reveal the underlying injustices in our food system and global economy. How are we called to respond?

We warmly invite members of religious orders to come together to reflect on this question. We will be joined by Gareth Rowe, research fellow with CAFOD and Durham University, who will share his reflections and lead the discussion.

Register now:

Once registered, a Zoom link will be shared with you nearer to the time of the event.

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