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Chaplain Needed for the Bernardine Cistercian Community

The Bernardine Cistercian Community is seeking a chaplain to celebrate Mass and the sacraments for their monastic community, guests, and parishioners.

The Bernardine Cistercian Community at the Monastery of Our Lady and St Bernard, Brownshill, near Stroud, is seeking a priest to celebrate Mass and the sacraments for their monastic community of 6 sisters, as well as guests and parishioners who join them.

With their current chaplain retiring after Easter, they are looking for a priest from May 2025, initially for a short-term period which could be extended.  A self contained flat would be provided.  They would be grateful if you would forward this on to any priest who might be interested and able to fulfil this need, for example, a retired priest, a priest on sabbatical or a priest who simply needs a break.

The monastery is situated in the Cotswold ‘Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’.  It is a mile away from local shops. There is a local bus service into Stroud but having one’s own car is desirable.

For further information, please visit the website Welcome — Bernardine Cistercians

You can contact Sr Maria either on 01453 883084 or

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